Reach Out to Captain Derek
Fishing Charters & Guide Services in Wells Harbor, Maine
GPS Users
Use 352 Harbor Rd Wells, ME 04090 VIA Highway
- Use the Wells/Sanford exit #19
- Take a left off of the off ramp onto rt 109 and continue 1.5 miles
- Take a left onto RT 1 North continue 200 feet
- Turn right on harbor road continue to the parking lot at the end of the road.
- The dock will be directly in front of you.
Coming From Route 1 South
- Follow RT 1 North to Harbor Rd on your right.
- Continue to the parking lot at the end of the road.
- The dock will be directly in front of you.
Coming from RT 1 North
- Follow Route 1 South to Harbor Rd on your left.
- Continue to the parking lot at the end of the road.
- The dock will be directly in front of you.